Friday, May 17, 2013

Summer 2013 Movies to See

  With the summer coming in just a couple weeks it will be time again for the summer movie season. After a long day at the pool or the beach people will be filing into the theaters with their popcorn and soda. I am looking forward to seeing as many movies as I can, but there are a few movies I am interested in seeing.
    The first movie I am excited to see is coming to theaters July 12th is Grown Ups 2. Adam Sandler and his group make this sequel of the summer hit from 2010. I am interested to see how this turns out as sometimes sequels do not live up to the first film. The second film returns Kevin James, Chris Rock, and David Spade but it appears Rob Schneider will not be in this one.
    The second movie I am curious to see is The Lone Ranger which will be in theaters July 3rd. This film is made by the same creators of the successful Pirates of the Caribbean series. The main reason I want to see this movie is the fact that Johnny Depp is playing the role of Tonto.
    Another interesting movie is the reuniting of the Wedding Crashers in the film The Internship which is in theaters June 7th. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn play a couple of guys who's careers are going down the drain with the digital era taking over. So the two decide to intern for Google.
    Finally a couple of kid movies I am interested in seeing are Epic (May 24th) and Monsters University (June 21st). Simply because they look like they will be fun to watch. Sometimes in my opinion it is nice to get away from the grown up movies to return to your childhood and watch a disney or animated film.  One last movie to possibly look at will be Man of Steel which comes out June 14th, another Superman movie with Henry Cavill as Clark Kent and Amy Adams as Lois Lane. Can't forget that Russell Crowe is in this film as well.
     So as you can see there is plenty to keep busy during the summer when it comes to the movie industry. My advice is to go out and get a good dinner, and go see these movies.


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