Friday, May 24, 2013

Movie Review: Breakfast at Tiffany's

  Tonight I decided to watch Breakfast at Tiffany's, I have always heard good things about it and I finally came around to watching it tonight. Afterwards I was glad I watched it. Audrey Hepburn's performance was great. I was a little surprised about the amount of funny moments were in it, and that Mickey Rooney was in it playing the Asian Landlord. Also, I have never seen a movie with George Peppard but I liked him and Buddy Edsen from The Beverly Hillbillies was a surprise as well.

   Overall this was a enjoyable movie, for 1961 this was a very good romantic comedy movie. Along with a good cast this movie is a classic. I liked the quick lines that were funny and the little things that made it funny. The love story was good, and it was a cool setting being in New York.

Grade: 7.5/10

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